It is illegal in almost every state to relocate wildlife. This is often a death sentence, especially for grieving Mother raccoons searching for their babies so frantically that they often die from either stress, or being attacked by more established raccoons in the new area.
Please use our interactive map to find a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator near you, as most pest control companies and state agencies immediately euthanize even healthy raccoons.
Please DO NOT USE raccoon, coyote, fox, or other urine as these are unethically sourced, causing great suffering to these species, and the non-raccoon urine could attract additional predators to the area.
Additional ideas courtesy of Urban Wildlife Rescue of Denver, CO
A number of trappers say they will “humanely relocate” raccoons, but a large number of the big companies either gas or drown them, often mothers and babies in the same cage, and there is NO SUCH THING AS HUMANE RELOCATION.
• Raccoons have a hierarchy and established territories, and will viscously attack new raccoons encroaching on their areas.
• Over 85% of relocations are an immediate death sentence.
• A mother relocated without babies often grieves herself literally to death looking for her cubs.
• Relocating also introduces disease into the new community.
• The space you just created by clearing out one raccoon normally results in several more coming in to take over the removed raccoon’s territory.
Examples of truly humane wildlife control companies look like this (click on photo to be redirected to their Facebook site):