Raccoon First Aid

This is our #1 recommendation for future raccoon Rehabbers or anyone blessed enough to live in one of the handful of states that allow the public to legally care for raccoons without first securing a Wildlife Rehabilitator license. It is jam-packed with decades of first-hand knowledge saving raccoons, and a complete gift to the rehab community from Sarah and her veterinarian Husband, Paul Bookbinder, who together run the Gordon Wildlife Center in New York.

Raccoon Rehabilitation Gordon Wildlife Center                  Raccoon rehabilitation Gordon Wildlife Center

Weight is the #1 indicator of a healthy or unhealthy raccoon.


Most illnesses can be caught early by charting an animal’s weight to ensure they are gradually gaining each day.

Raccoon weight first aid



Ideas for getting meds into raccoons


Raccoons are TOO SMART and pick up on your energy that you are trying to get them to do something, which makes them NOT want to do it even more.

If it’s an especially bitter medication (such as Keppra for seizures), you can purchase empty gel caps to hide the medication inside of them to help mask the smell and taste.

🛑  THERE IS NO FORCING A RACCOON TO TAKE MEDS LIKE YOU CAN WITH DOGS/CATS. Unless of course you want to be sliced up Freddy Krueger style and/or have him/her hold a grudge and not trust you for the rest of their lives. Trust us, it ain’t worth it.

🛑  Also, we do not recommend wet dog/cat food since the overabundance of unhealthy oils in them can cause gastric distress.

Things we Rehabbers have come up with to hide medication inside of:

  1. PB&J, jelly sandwich, or straight peanut butter
  2. Any sort of fish in a tin can or even fresh fish (but cooked to kill parasites)
  3. Rotisserie chicken or other cooked meats such as hot dogs, hamburgers, turkey, etc.
  4. Mozzarella sticks (I warm mine in the microwave for a few seconds) or any soft cheese
  5. Canned yams or cooked sweet potato (even better with melted marshmallows on top 😊)
  6. Crayfish
  7. Nutrigrain bars (cut in half lengthwise so top comes off & sprinkle med inside)
  8. Butter of all things – a lot of them go nuts for it and try to steal the whole stick!
  9. Bananas
  10. Grapes
  11. Honey
  12. Maple or Karo syrup
  13. Melted Starbucks candies that have been cooled then place meds inside
  14. As a VERY last result, crush up in water, suck up in syringe, and administer rectally

Foods to hide raccoon medications inside of


Aspiration Pneumonia / Upper Respiratory Infection / Milk in Lungs


1. Suction nose and mouth with bulb syringe.

2. “Swing” the baby to clear the lungs as shown in this video starting at 2:00 (wrap them with a towel to make sure you don’t lose your grip)

3. Stay up with the baby for 12 hours and do nebulizer treatments 2-3 times per day as seen in this video.

4. If you are able to get the prescription Albuterol, it works miracles, especially the aerosol to mix in with the nebulizer treatment.

5. Do NOT use three-antibiotic method, it tears up their stomach and does not cure in the end.

6. SMZ or Amoxicillin work best (prescription needed, or you can use the fish antibiotic version found in the aquarium section at most pet stores). Can also use Doxycycline + Clavamox or Azithromycin + Clavamox.

7. Liquid Benadryl can help with drying out the lungs (dose according to weight).


Bulb syringe clear raccoon aspiration                      Portable nebulizer raccoon aspiration pneumonia                  Nebulizer machine clear raccoon aspiration pneumonia






🚨 A distended/hard abdomen after defacating could be a deformity, blockage, or twisted intestines, and requires immediate veterinary care to prevent rupture.


• However, as long as their tummy feels pliable (like your own tummy when you press on it), don’t panic. If babies haven’t eaten much before you found them, not much going in means not much coming out.


• Too much formula powder can sometimes cause harder poops. Stop all formula and offer only warm Pedialyte or electrolyte solution for 24 hours. You can also add 1/2 teaspoon of Karo syrup, molasses, pumpkin, or pumpkin baby food.  


• Fill the kitchen sink with warm water. Hold baby under their arms and dip them into the water up to their armpits, then gently swish them back and forth while rubbing their tummy. In between, take a warm, soft washcloth or wet wipe to gently rub over their genitals and anus to stimulate to stimulate them to go potty. If they are the size of a kitten, you can put the stopper in the bathtub, run a couple of inches of warm water into it (so the water barely covers their feet), and let them play in it for 10 minutes as you watch them closely.


• You can give infant gas drops (1 ml per lb of body weight) to ease some of the pain of the built-up gas.


• Epsom salts is also a natural laxative. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of epsom salts into 4 oz of water, and slowly syringe a weight-appropriate amount into the side of their mouth.


• If still no results after two days, add 1/8-1/4 teaspoon of Miralax to bottle.


⚠️ An enema should be the very last resort. Use warm water with a couple of drops of dish soap or mineral oil, pull the solution into a slim 1 cc syringe, then gently insert only the tip and release the solution slowly into the anus. A tutorial can be found here.





  1. Full blood panel must be done to confirm, insulin injections could possible be prescribed.
  2. Can help manage through healthy diet – quality dog food such as Royal Canin which lists chicken as the #1 ingredient (no fillers or by-products).
  3. Fruits and veggies – apples, bananas, grapes (not as frequently), mango, melon, sweet potatoes, boiled eggs, pecans, avocado.
  4. UTI’s can cause higher or lower blood sugar.
  5. Drinking less water can also elevate sugar.




🛑  DO NOT give Pepto Bismol, it contains aspirin.


• Give 1/2 to 1 tsp of Kaolin Pectin based on weight

• Give 1/2 to 1 tsp of Kaopectate based on weight

• Full fat yogurt or canned pumpkin helps as well




We recommend buying bulk Novibac 5-way vaccines at Jeffers

  • Give initial dose at 6 weeks or on intake of suspected distemper case
  • Repeat again at 8 weeks and 10 weeks old

  • If you catch it in very early stage, immediately give a 2nd distemper vaccination to deactivate the virus.
  • Do nebulizer treatments 2-3 times per day as seen in this video. If you are able to get the prescription Albuterol, it works miracles, especially the aerosol to mix in with the nebulizer treatment.
  • Cephalexin, SMZ or Amoxicillin work well. Can also use Doxycycline+Clavamox or Azithromycin+Clavamox
  • Liquid Benadryl can help with drying out the lungs (dose according to weight).
  • Use Prednisone to decrease inflammation and strengthen immune system.
  • Use Keppra for seizures.
  • Use Tramadol or Carprofen for pain.
  • Use coconut oil for hardening paw pads.
  • Add Brewer’s yeast to kibble or wet food (tuna, rotisserie chicken, etc.) – it contains B vitamins and helps with neuro issues.



Characterized by fever spike, loss of appetite, listlessness and green discharge from eyes and nose. Discharge becomes thick and sticky , followed by diarrhea and vomiting. Seems to get better, then relapses.



Signs of brain involvement, slobbering, head shaking, “gum chewing” seizures, and tremors. Drying out/hardening of foot pads appears about two weeks after the onset of infection. Rhythmic contractions of muscle groups (up to 60 contractions a minute). The jerking can affect the legs and head and may continue indefinitely, but becomes less severe with time. It may get worse before it gets better.

Just like any human virus, it has to run its course.  All you can do is keep them on antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infections along with supportive care to prevent dehydration, meds to prevent vomiting and diarrhea, and anti-convulsants to control seizures. All these second stage symptoms can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to completely manifest themselves. There is no way to predict how severe this virus will impact the raccoon, so time is either your friend or enemy.

Eye Inflammation / Bacterial Infection


Terramycin Ophthalmic Ointment (prescription) applied directly into eye: https://www.newegg.com/p/0D2-008H-00004?Item=9SIA6YB9AZ3575

Eye infection treatment


Fleas & Ticks


🛑 DO NOT use K9 Advantix or Ivermectin as these can cause seizures.


🛑 NEVER use the any of the “Plus” prescriptions (i.e. Revolution Plus). They have additional ingredients that cause seizures/death. If the prescription says “flea AND TICK,” do not use.


6 weeks and older only: Canine Revolution (prescription required) dosed at 0.25 ml for 5 lbs and under (or one tablet of Puppy/Kitten Revolution) works best. Advantage for cats works well, but be sure to never use Advantage for DOGS – it will result in death. Also, Advantage II has ingredients that may cause seizures, so always stick with the original formulas of all meds when it comes to raccoons.


• Can also use Vaseline to fully cover and suffocate the ticks, then remove them with tweezers being sure to pull out the head.


• Rehabbers are about 50/50 on whether or not Capstar tablets work for fleas in their regions (Capstar does NOT work for ticks, fleas only).

For raccoons under 2 lbs, dose according to weight, crush tablet and mix with sugar water, then feed via syringe. For over 2 lbs, give a full tablet hidden in a marshmallow or other treat.


Dawn blue dish soap can be used as last resort – lather up and let soak for two minutes before rinsing, but it can dry out their skin.


• For heavy flea and tick infestations:

• A tick hook works best to remove ticks.

• Give Enfamil Infant Iron drops to help rebuild red blood cells.

Adam’s Flea & Tick Spray also available at Walmart, Petco, and Tractor Supply: Cover their face and spray their body.

• Spray onto a rag and wipe in ears, then spray a Q-tip and apply between toes.


• Ticks can vomit poison into the skin, so after ticks are gone, but sure to rinse with antiseptic flush. If the baby is already compromised or weak, the tick toxin could be fatal.


Adams flea & tick spray raccoons           Enfamil Infant Iron Drops raccoon fleas and ticks                Tick removal raccoons          Capstar flea tick maggot treatment



Fly Strike / Fly Eggs / Maggots


Fly strike

• DO NOT bathe or get wet.

• Sprinkle corn starch on their fur (be sure not to get in eyes) and use a fine-toothed comb to comb out fly eggs as seen in the video below and here fly strike removal.



1. Crush up a Capstar tablet and mix into sugar water (or give one full tablet if over 2 lbs – can hide inside a marshmallow)
2. Syringe feed half of solution orally, and administer half of solution into rectum.
3. Crush another tablet into water or saline and flush externally as seen here (or you can also use a spray bottle).


Raccoon fly strike       Capstar flea tick maggot treatment





Gas-X (Mylicon drops) for human infants, 1 ml per lb of body weight (or 1/3 of a dropper (0.3ml) for smaller raccoons, and 1/2 dropper (0.5ml) for larger raccoons) every 4-6 hours until they seem more comfortable and/or begin to eat again.

Little Remedies gas relief drops raccoons



Lice / Mites / Mange


Nu-Stock ointment is best for open wounds from mange. It kills mites on contact & only has 3 ingredients: powdered sulphur, mineral oil and pine oil.


Frontline spray or Bravecto (prescription) also work well (dose Bravecto according to weight).


• Apply neem oil, coconut oil, or olive oil on body. You can also spray with aloe vera to help soothe.


• Give Benadryl with food to alleviatee itching.


Fish antibiotics help with secondary infection.


• Apply yogurt to raw, irritated ears.


• Support immune system with omega 3’s and limit grains, sugars etc.


• Feed coconut oil with food. Dyne recommended as nutritional supplement to combat emaciation.


Nu-Stock mange treatment raccoons           Frontline raccoon mange treatment               Raccoon antibiotic            Neem oil raccoon mange



Raccoon lice


Hobo mange raccoon before               Hobo mange raccoon after





  • Can give neonate parvo vaccine as early as 4 weeks old (see Vaccines section for full dosing schedule).
  • As of September 2022, there is a new ‘super parvo’ which has a much longer shelf life and travels on clothing. Symptoms are not as dramatic, it can wipe out a tribe of healthy raccoons within hours, and it has caused devastation from Louisiana to Michigan to Texas. The following protocols have proven effective (you must be logged into a Google account to view) https://tinyurl.com/Raccoon101ParvoProtocol





Dosage for Vitamin K therapy for rat poison can be found here: Cornell University – Vitamin K therapy



• Injectable Vitamin K1 then prescription oral Vitamin K is best first line of defense against hemorrhage due to rat poison.


Over the Counter

• Call your local Walmart, Whole Foods, or nutritional supplement store to find out if they carry liquid Vitamin K1.



UTI’s (Urinary Tract Infections)


UTI’S CAN QUICKLY TURN SEPTIC/DEADLY, so it is imperative to get this properly diagnosed by having a urine sample tested.



  • Urination: Frequent urination, straining to urinate, urinating small amounts. 
  • Urine: Blood in the urine, cloudy or strong-smelling urine.
  • Licking: Excessive licking of the genitals.
  • Pain: Pain or discomfort during urination. 
  • Other symptoms: Fever, lethargy, vomiting, abdominal pain, or changes in appetite or thirst.


The treatment for a urinary tract infection (UTI) in dogs typically involves antibiotics, pain medication, and increased water intake.
    • Antibiotics
      The type and duration of antibiotics will depend on the severity of the infection and the raccoon’s overall health.

    • Pain medication
      UTIs can be very uncomfortable, so pain medication may be prescribed to relieve discomfort. 

    • Increased water intake
      Water intake can be increased to help flush out the bacteria. 

    • Cranberry juice
      Cranberry juice can help flush out the infection faster by making it harder for bacteria to stick to the bladder wall. However, raccoons can be extremely averse to the flavor, and there are risks of an allergic reaction, upset stomach, and diarrhea. 

Other treatments may include anti-inflammatory medication, IV fluids, hospitalization, dietary changes to dissolve bladder stones, and/or surgical intervention for larger bladder stones or those causing bladder obstructions.




VACCINES ARE GEOGRAPHICALLY SPECIFIC.  Animals in California may not need to be protected from the same viruses as animals in New York, so it is always best to check with your local Wildlife Rehabilitator for the best/most current protocols.


Unless the raccoon is compromised or ill, most Rehabbers recommend the Spectra canine 5-way at 6, 9, 12, and 16 weeks, one full bottle of rabies (feline rabies Purevax 3 year) at 16 weeks (only veterinarians can give rabies vaccine), feline Panleukopenia at 18 weeks, then a final Spectra canine 5-way at 20 weeks prior to release.


• Some Rehabbers prefer the Nobivac 5-way at the same dosing schedule.


🛑 DO NOT use the vaccines containing Corona, this causes issues in raccoons.


🚨 Be sure to have Benadryl liquid on hand, and monitor closely for abnormal behavior or tremors, since these could indicate an allergic reaction to the vaccine. Some Rehabbers even pre-dose with Benadryl just to be safe.


Benadryl liquid    Canine Spectra 5-Way vaccine raccoons     Feline panleukopenia vaccination raccoons Six way



Worms / Parasites / Giardia / Coccidia


Always dose with Toltrazuril or Baycox (can purchase from local farm and feed) upon intake since almost all wildlife has coccidia parasite.

Coccidia – Toltrazuril (also known as Baycox)


                              Coccidia treatment



The top choice of Rehabbers nationwide for deworming (eyes-opened babies only) are:


  • Safe-Guard (Fendendazole) powder. Dose at 1 mg per 10 lbs. Give for 3 consecutive days starting the week the eyes are fully opened, repeat at 14 days, again at 21 days, then monthly until release. Fendendazole helps only if parasites are in intestinal stage, but Albendazole (prescription only) has been successful penetrating the tissue stage as well.


  • Panacur (Fendendazole) powder *prescription only*. Dose at 1 mg per 10 lbs. Give for 3 consecutive days starting the week the eyes are fully opened, repeat at 14 days, again at 21 days, then monthly until release. Fendendazole helps only if parasites are in intestinal stage, but Albendazole (prescription only) has been successful penetrating the tissue stage as well.


  • Pyrantel Pamoate (Nemex-2) liquid. Dose at 1 cc per 10 lbs (under 6 months old), or 1 cc per 5 lbs (over 6 months old) one week after eyes are opened. Worm on intake, then every 3 weeks until release. (I have not had as much luck with this one since I live in a very warm/humid climate year-round, but other Rehabbers have had success treating roundworms only with it.)

Safe-Guard Canine raccoon roundworm          Panacur roundworms raccoons                      Raccoon roundworm brain worm dewormer



Wound Care


Clean several times a day with contact lens saline solution, sterile saline spray, or Betadine solution.


If no foreign bodies are found, you can use Manuka honey, Silver Honey, or Silvadine (prescription required).


Vetericyn spray doesn’t sting and works well for predator attack wounds until you can get to a vet.


Nu-Stock ointment is best for open wounds from mange. It kills mites on contact & only has 3 ingredients: powdered sulphur, mineral oil and pine oil.


Vetericyn spray raccoon wound care        Manuka honey raccoon wound care                    Silver honey raccoon wound care


Click here and here to see Winter’s miraculous transformation after being stuck in a hand trap for six days during an ice storm – so traumatized, emaciated, and broken that she went into a coma and developed pneumonia, but Jess Sommers NEVER gave up on her!


Winter baby raccoon hand trap wound